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Ancient Chronicles will return soon

This comic contains adult themes and content that may not be suitable for everyone. Viewer discretion is advised.


July 20, 2022

Phase 3

Phase 2 has come and gone. Now we're in part one of Phase 3. This entails going through every page to edit/revise, ensure that everything is consistent, and weed out discrepencies. Almost 50% of the chapter has gone through this process. Part two involves adding in extras or missed elements. Less than half of the chapter has to go through this. And finally part three is the finishing stage where everything gets shading, lettering, and finishing touches. Existing pages that are already live have been going through Phase 3 to ensure that everything is refreshed and consistent with the rest of the chapter. AC should be returning sometime in the fall or winter of this year.

February 15, 2022

Phase 1 Complete

We've broken tasks to finish the first chapter into phases. Phase 1 is finished! We've colored in all the pages that have already been inked. Now we're moving on to inking and coloring the remaining pages. From there we'll start the third and final phase of finishing all the pages.

January 10, 2022

New Year

Happy new year! Progress on Chapter 1 has been steady. And our discord community is slowly growing! With luck, the story will return from hiatus tentatively this fall or winter and we can move forward with Chapter 2. More exciting stuff will come with the completion of both chapters. The website itself is a work in progress. Whispy oversees its development and it's getting closer and closer to how we'd like it to be. The focus now is integrating more accessibility features. It's slow going since there is plenty of learning involved. If you'd like to stay up-to-date with our progress and hang out with some beautiful people, come join our Discord community!

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